

The Ankara-Niğde Motorway is the completed section of the Trans European Motorway (TEM) that begins in Edirne and reaches Adana and Gaziantep, passing through İstanbul and then Bolu, Ankara and Pozantı, and ends in Şanlıurfa also including the Şanlıurfa-Habur section planned to be constructed in the future.

Türkiye’s north is linked to its south uninterruptedly via access controlled highways with the completion of the route. It is also important that the route provides ease of access to tourism points (Tuzgölü, Nevşehir Derinkuyu, Göreme, Cappadocia, etc.) along the route

The Ankara-Niğde Motorway project consists of two appointed companies, namely ERG ULAŞIM İŞLETME VE BAKIM A.Ş. and ERG SERVİS HİZMETLERİ A.Ş.:

  • ERG ULAŞIM İŞLETME VE BAKIM A.Ş. carries out toll collection through our teams specialised in their respective fields by using Intelligent Transportation Systems and at 14 Toll Stations (2 main road body Toll Stations).  Also, the maintenance activities of the motorway are carried out 24/7 by our expert teams.
  • ERG SERVİS HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. aims to provide service at 10 locations 2 stations in each direction - 20 stations in total) with ATLI Motorway Service Station (OHT) along the route. ERG SERVİS HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. is also responsible for the operation of advertising spaces along the motorway.

In this context, our unchanging goal is to provide highway users with an uninterrupted, reliable, comfortable and quality journey experience at all times.